The Sound Architect Reviews the Hybrid Library

3 min read


"I find it hard to believe that any sound effects provider will be able to beat the Hybrid Library on sheer value for money!"

A review of the Pro Sound Effects Hybrid Library was recently featured on The Sound Architect, an audio resource dedicated to sharing the knowledge of industry professionals and anyone with a passion and love for audio.

Written by Doug Waters, the review explores the many facets of the Hybrid Library including quality and variety of sounds, features like online access and additional download credits, pricing options, licensing details, and how the library compares to competitors. Water was especially pleased with the depth and quality of the sound effects:

The Sound Architect Logo

"Upon opening up the library I was instantly blown away by the wealth of content that is available, everything from helicopters to exotic birds, classic cartoons to the goriest fruit destruction I’ve ever heard! There’s even close to 4GB worth of gun shot sounds alone! There can be no doubt that a lot of time and hard work has gone into the recording and editing of these sounds, and what’s great is a number of these sounds are recorded from varying distances, allowing you to choose ones that will be most appropriate for your end product."

Do you have any feedback about the Hybrid Library? If so, feel free to send us an email or write a review on the Hybrid Library page. Since its introduction in 2012, we have continually improved the Hybrid Library each year to make it the best general sound effects library available - so we truly value all input from our users. Stay tuned to learn what we've done this year to make Hybrid Library even better...

Read the full review on The Sound Architect, and be sure to follow PSE on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn for more library reviews, special offers, industry news & more.
