How to Use Sound Effects in Advertising for Maximum Impact

6 min read

The Role of Sound Effects in Advertising

First impressions are everything – especially in the world of advertising. From copywriting to color theory, every aspect of your ad has an immediate impact on the audience’s perception of your brand, product, or service. And when it comes to advertising on TV, web, radio, and podcasts, sound is often the most important factor in getting your message across. 

Why is sound so important? For one thing, it provokes a uniquely visceral response that images and words just don’t. Remember Apple’s “Crush!” ad for the iPad Pro? Despite the upbeat music and excellent visual design, audiences revolted over its portrayal of all the things we love being destroyed, and the sounds of crunching, cracking, and splintering were what really sold that feeling. Try watching it on mute, then turning the sound back on. Big difference, huh?

When used effectively, sound effects can create that same level of visceral impact, but in a positive way. The best ads make smart use of sound design to grab the listener’s attention, sway their emotions, tell a compelling story, and reinforce a message. Here are some examples of different ways to use sound effects in advertising.

Emotional Connection

Sound is a direct connection to the heart. When used thoughtfully, sound effects can establish feelings of joy, fear, safety, productivity, or whatever else you want to convey. The right sound effects can make a business more trustworthy, a charity cause more urgent, a product more desirable, and so on. For a particularly heart-wrenching example, check out Subaru’s “Walk Away” commercial:

This 30-second spot begins in the aftermath of a violent car crash with a high-pitched, tinnitus-like tone and a background of radio chatter that create a sense of shock and disorientation. But as the shot switches to a mother getting out of an intact Subaru to embrace her family, the tension lifts and the radio chatter is replaced by a soothing ambient soundtrack. Subtle footsteps accompany the family as they calmly walk toward their Subaru, and you realize everyone will be okay. In just 30 seconds, the ad takes you on quite an emotional journey.

Tone and Atmosphere

Even when voiceover and music are the main focus of an ad, sound effects perform the important role of establishing a tone and atmosphere that contextualizes the message. In the meditation app Headspace’s “Accepting the Mind” video, the narrator compares the mind to a pool of water. At first, small drops ripple on the still surface. But then, a storm kicks up, with the sounds of wind and rain conveying an atmosphere of emotional turbulence. Later, underwater sound effects give you the feeling of diving into your subconscious, and a serene ending with a peaceful soundscape establishes the contentment you can attain with the app.

But tone and atmosphere don’t have to be subtle. In GMC’s ad for the 2023 Sierra AT4X pickup (featured in our interview with Harbor Picture Company), the roar of the engine and the crunch of dirt and gravel communicate the ruggedness of the vehicle as it speeds through a winding mountain pass. In the interior shots, these sounds are muffled, showing you the smooth and quiet ride you can expect. In the climax of the ad, a rushing waterfall and the echoing cave behind it tell you that this truck can take you anywhere you want to go. Even though the spot is dense with music and voiceover, it’s the sound effects that establish an atmosphere of adventure and luxury.

Sonic Branding

Even abstract sound effects can have a huge impact on how your brand comes across. Picture the logos for Intel, Netflix, PlayStation, or T-Mobile – if any of those conjured up a certain sound in your head, that’s all the proof you need that sound is just as important as a memorable logo or catchy slogan. Check out the video below for even more examples of effective sonic branding. How many can you recognize?

These “sound logos” come in a few different flavors. Many of them use tonal or melodic sound effects to burn a name or tagline into your brain, such as the three-note melody used by NBC or McDonald’s “ba-da-ba-ba-ba.” Some brands, like Netflix and PlayStation, use hard-hitting, percussive sound effects to assert themselves quickly and seize your attention before showing you a trailer or teaser. Retail brands often use the sounds that their products naturally make, like the fizzy pouring sound at the end of a Coca-Cola commercial or Tostitos’ iconic crunch.

Sound Tips for Creating Engaging Ads

As you can see, all kinds of sound effects are used in advertising for different purposes. Everyday sounds like footsteps and barking dogs can be just as effective as the most intricate sound design – it all comes down to how they’re used. Here are a few of the most common categories of sound effects in advertising.

Types of Ad Sound Effects and When to Use Them

Whooshes are one of the most popular sound effects for conveying motion and making dynamic transitions. A well-placed whoosh can sell anything from airline tickets to iPhones.

Tonal Sound Effects blur the line between sound design and music, and they can be used to create powerful moments like the THX “Deep Note” or micro-jingles like the TikTok sound.

Ambiences are the best way to establish a location or set a specific mood. From bustling city scenes to calming natural soundscapes, a little background ambience can go a long way.

Foley simply accentuates the sounds that make certain products attractive, a trend that has seen increased popularity with the rise of ASMR-based commercials.

Abstract Sound Effects are useful for conveying emotions that words and images alone can’t. This type of sound design is great for products that don’t make sound, like computer mice.

Humorous Sound Effects provide comic relief and levity, and they can be very effective for advertising things that aren’t all that exciting on their own, like colon cancer awareness.

Where to Find Sound Effects for Ads and Commercials

The Pro Sound Effects Platform is chock full of sounds that are ready to use in your next promo, product teaser, radio commercial, or TV spot. If you already know what you want, use our online search tool to browse more than 1.2 million sound effects, or download SoundQ to integrate our library with your favorite editing software. And if you work with a team, register for a free trial of a PSE Teams Plan today!